Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Foreigner Working in Vietnam
A Foreigner must be applicable to such conditions hereinafter:
1. 18 years old at least;
2. Having profession, skill and health;
3. No criminal record or being investigated for offences or being executed a penalty following Vietnamese or overseas laws;
The documents consist of:
1. An application;
2. A copy of qualification;
3. A copy of the labour contract authenticated by the Vietnamese authority;
4. A curriculum vitae authenticated by the overseas authorized organizations;
The applicant shall supply 1 copy to employer, 2 others to Department of labor, invalids and social welfare.
Applications for Work Permits are on file and available online in pdf format.
VNC Service can provide the necessary assistance in processing these applications and assist you in other endeavors to insure your stay in Vietnam is productive and pleasureable.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Earn a High Salary Speaking English with Children - Asia
Just a note to let you know, I am well and living my life in the manner I have chosen and enjoying it without reservation or regret.
How about you ?
I am living in
Again, some say, I am crazy and others say I am on to something but not sure. Well, nearly 20 years in-country, I have seen just about everything. Both Good, Bad, Foolish, Stupid and some I had rather not talk about, but all in all, I have survived and recieved my merit badge .
I am 60 years old, married to a wonderful Vietnamese lady of 25 and just had a baby girl named Sara.
You can see her at her video online site: http://www.vietnamstoreonline.com/SaraVideo.html
I live in a nice house, have a wonderful job and even play in the Import Export Trades in my free time. Get this, I even am able to save money, which the wife takes care of that and she has done a wonderful job of taking care of me too.
I eat well, live well, and enjoy my life more than I have ever done while living in the
I was once very rich and powerful in the Real Estate Marketing in
What have I learned, well it took me 20 years to learn the how and what, so it can not be said in just one sitting, therefore I have written this short message to share with you something that few know about.
While the economy throughout the world is in trouble and many losing their jobs, Vietnam is a place that seems not to have been over affected by the downturn of the world financial system downturn or at least not yet.
I have my own personal private company in the import-export business, which I play with part-time and marketing online as well.
But, now the secret. Many people are losing their jobs while people here are working all the hours they can possible can physically tolerate just talking with Children.
Some say it is teaching and they are given the title of teacher but most of them are just people who arrived here with other dreams and could not get it off the ground or survive and fell back on the one job in
Therefore, the salary is higher than most and well above the salary levels most anyway would pray to have. Don't expect to come here and make 100,ooo a year but if you would like a modest income and have a lay back easy life style with great food and wonderful adventure then
Some people show up at a school with their CV and BA diploma and most of the time are hired immediately on the spot. Some with no BA degree and they get a job too but they start at the bottom of the salary range, with some clues found on this blog you will be able to enter at the top and keep your job when others are leaving theirs.
The salaries vary with the facility, so which one do you want to start at the bottom or the top ?
For example: at some English Training centers the salary is around 10 - 15 dollars an hour and up. At High Schools or Universities the salaries vary but most are much higher.
This is just because you are a English Speaking foreigner, how can it be easier than that ?
In the past, few paid taxes on this income but lately there seems to be a government effort to change that but as all things it will take time.
As for the currency, they pay both in US dollar or VN dong which can be exchanged for dollars.
There are some some details one must know about living and working in
If I can survive nearly 20 years, severe health problems and even divorce and still be able to keep my sanity and health, then I must be doing something right.
Of course, I am me and you are you, but that is what makes
Teaching - No - Not teaching but talking with Vietnamese Children and getting paid for it is a interim method to survive, make money (even save money) and live well. What I like the most is the respect given by the Vietnamese towards teachers whether you be licensed or not. It is highly praised by this culture and however you enter the trade of Teaching, it is not considered, only that you do what you do well, speak English and do it with their children in a way that each will develop themselves as they progress.
In this posting, I will not go into the details of how to enter the Vietnam Employment market but for sure I will bring those details to all whom wish to experience the secret of
What I call "The Frontier of the Future".
Forget about all that you have heard or seen on TV and follow my blog and get it straight from someone who has lived here for nearly 2 decades.
The key idea, I would like to leave with you at this moment is that if by any chance you are not happy with your current job, lost your job or feel that your job is hanging by a thread and you would like to have something more reliable and earn enough, both to live and save, have fun helping children and also leave your mark in life, then by all means drop me a line and share with me your idea's about a job change and we can compare what I know and what you need and see if Vietnam is a place for you. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can do it, if they really want to.
Future Postings will be covered are listed below:
Job Introductions
Items to have before you leave the USA
Some Secrets that I have learned along the way
You may contact me at this site or if you wish for more confidentiality email me at vietnamconsultantsltd@yahoo.com or skype: vncservice
Remember, Asia is a wonderful place to live and explore but like all new places one must prepare to insure their success and that is what I hope to share with you in future posting messages.
Keep checking back or follow me on my twitter : http://twitter.com/vncservice
All comments welcome but please keep in mind, this is a public site and all that comment should show respect as I show to all of you. I could charge for this service, but like all things in life, one must give back or the circle is broken and life becomes worthless.
Posted by VNCSERVICE at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Stem Cells can help to repair damaged Cells

Stem cells can help to repair damaged tissue
Body repair 'Could be Ramped-up'
We hope that by releasing extra stem cells, as we were able to do in mice in our study, we could potentially call up extra numbers of whichever stem cells the body needs
A combination of drugs could trick the body into sending its repair mechanisms into overdrive, say scientists.
The technique could be used to speed the healing of heart or bone damage, they claim.
The bone marrow of treated mice released 100 times as many stem cells - which help to regenerate tissue.
Imperial College London scientists reported their work in the journal Cell Stem Cell, but said human trials were some years away.
The release of stem cells by the bone marrow is a natural part of the repair process - different types are sent to replenish tissue depending on the nature of the injury.
However, in some cases, for example the damage caused by heart disease, the repair is not entirely successful, and loss of function persists.
The theory behind the
Techniques already exist to increase the numbers of blood cell producing stem cells from the bone marrow, but the study focuses on two other types - endothelial, which produce the cells which make up our blood vessels, and mesenchymal, which can become bone or cartilage cells.
The mice were given firstly a "growth factor" drug - substances that already occur naturally in the bone marrow, then a new drug called Mozobil.
Both endothelial and mesenchymal cells were released at a much greater rate.
Arthritis hope
Dr Sara Rankin, one of the researchers, said: "The body repairs itself all the time, However, when the damage is severe, there are limits to what it can do of its own accord.
"We hope that by releasing extra stem cells, as we were able to do in mice in our study, we could potentially call up extra numbers of whichever stem cells the body needs, in order to boost its ability to mend itself and accelerate the repair process."
There are also hopes that the technique could help damp down autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, where the body's immune system attacks its own tissues.
Mesenchymal stem cells are known to have the ability to damp down the immune system.
The next stage of the research is to see if the extra stem cells circulating in the mice can have a practical benefit - repairing more quickly or more thoroughly the damage caused by a heart attack, for example.
Their hope is that clinical trials in humans may be possible within the next 10 years.
Professor Peter Weissberg, Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: "It has long been known that the bone marrow contains cells that can replace lost or aged blood cells.
"It now seems increasingly likely that the bone marrow also contains cells that have the capacity to repair damaged internal organs, such as the heart and blood vessels, but that too few of them are released to be effective.
"This research has identified some important molecular pathways involved in mobilising these cells.
Question: Is it possible to release more of our existing Adult Stem Cells in our bodies Naturally?
Answer: Yes.
How: That information is available by contacting stemcellenhancer.vietnam@yahoo.com
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Technorati Now
Teach Children Earn Large Income
Teaching English to Vietnam children and earning over 15 to 20 dollars and hour is that possible. No experience necessary. Some documentation required but available inhouse. The How and Where can be found here. Follow this blog and learn how and what you need to teach earn a high income, along with the support online you need to be a success.
Enjoying Asia at its best while you earn income and keep your freedom and foot free.
Watch for our next blog posting for more information.